
Dark cloak of the night

Punctured intermittently-

Glow of fireflies

Copyright @ Goutam


Gravitational pull…

Pushed by thrill of adventure

He rides the strong waves.

Copyright @ Goutam


The eagle’s sharp eyes

takes note of movement on ground…

sends it swooping down.

Copyright @ Goutam Dutta


Onset of monsoon…

Dust, dirt scattered over land

Dragged on and displaced.

Copyright @ Goutam Dutta


Since long some music floats in air
Unknowingly, my eyes get filled with tears.

Relationships long lost, remember me today.
Nostalgia of bygone times hum a tune in the head.

The voices of childhood woven in my dreams.
The ice-cream vendor’s voice and the induced craving.

Why have the raindrops lost their mellifluous voice?
Does your absence make them so listless?  

The journey continues, some more miles before I rest.
May strains of some happy music be my journey’s mate. 

PS : The picture brought about a whirlwind of thoughts inside my head, which refused to be subjugated into some sort of rhythmic flow. The original of the lines produced here came to me in the form of a ghazal in Hindi.  I have translated them. 

Poetry copyright @ Goutam Dutta

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